tyler boudreau
tyler boudreau

about tyler boudreau:

Post Military Life:


tyler boudreau earned his M.A. and Ph.D. at the Department of Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He received his Masters of Social Work (MSW) at Simmons University. He is now a Licenced Certified Social Worker (LCSW) worknig with the Department of Veterans Affairs in MA.


His academic areas of interest include Critical Discourse Analysis, Performance Studies, and Autoethnography, all of which are concerned with soical inquiry especially as it relates to social justice. He teaches courses on writing, communication, combat stress, moral injury, military sexual trauma, and collective trauma. 


boudreau has taught  MSW candidates at the Smith College School of Social Work and his principle areas of interest in the field of social work/mental health include Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems, Circle of Security/Attachment, and DBT. 


military history:


tyler boudreau served twelve years of active serive in the U.S. Marine Corps Infantry. Enlisted (1989-1993), NROTC-Holy Cross (1993-1997), Officer (1997-2005)


In 2004, tyler boudreau deployed to Iraq with 2d Battalion, 2d Marines as the Battalion Assistant Operations Officer. The battalion's primary Area of Operation was located in the Northern Babil province on the southern edge of Baghdad. The unit also conducted operations in al Anbar and Fallujah. Upon completion of this tour, tyler boudreau assumed command of Company F, 2/2 at Camp Lejeune, NC. In May 2005, he relinquished command of Company F and resigned his commission.


Awaiting final separation, tyler boudreau served as 2d Marine Regiment rear element OIC and Casualty Assistance Calls Officer until December 2005.



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